hexo 安装

Centos seafile 同步备份

  • centos x32 I choose the teminal clent

    tar -xvf seafile
  • seafile need the python 2.7, if the python in the server is 2.6 (like me), update python or download the argparse module

  • update the python

    1. download

      wget http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/dextop/el6/i386/nux-dextop-release-0-2.el6.nux.noarch.rpm
      rpm -ivh nux-dextop-release-0-2.el6.nux.noarch.rpm
      yum -y install python27
      yum -y install python27-devel
    2. update

      cd /usr/bin/
      rm -rf python
      cp python2.7 python
    3. test

      python --version
  • install the seafile client in centos

    1. wegt my centos is x86_64

      wget https://bitbucket.org/haiwen/seafile/downloads/seafile-cli_4.0.4_x86-64.tar.gz
      tar -xvf seafile-cli_4.0.4_x86-64.tar.gz
      mkdir ~/seafile-client
      cd seafile-cli_4.0.4
      ./seaf-cli init -d ~/seafile-client
    2. Start seafile client

      ./seaf-cli start
    3. Download a library from a server

      seaf-cli download
      -l "the id of the library"
      -s  "the url + port of server"
      -d "the folder where the library folder will be downloaded"
      -u "username on server"
      -p "password"
